Tutorial: Embedding Fast.ai into your website through binder and nbinteract
(12 Jan 2021)Some time ago, as I was working through the fast.ai course, one of the mini-projects ended with a suggestion to serve the classifier to the general public. The suggested route, being hosted on binder.org and...
Adding an unsupported Brother printer to Synology
(24 Oct 2020)In overhauling the network I decided to give away an old HP 1022 laserjet and install a newer Brother HL-1110 that I had hanging around, but whilst the HP 1022 worked fine with DSM’s printer...
Setting up a headless Raspberry Pi with Teamviewer.
(27 Aug 2018)I might be projecting, but I believe a large portion of Raspberry Pi’s out there will be currently sitting in their owner’s drawers, not doing much at all since the hype around the device has...