Website v1.0 released!

11 March 2019

[ webdev   github-page   blog   ]

After a lot of blood, sweat and tears, I finally got the website to its minimum viable state: splash page, blog, and about-me section.


Overall, I’m pretty pleased but I admit it was a total pain. I can see why many would choose to clone a jekyll theme and never ever touch the underlying html/css/js/jekyll-config. Just in this overhaul I made 93 git commits, wrote 5 layouts, 7 includes, and a whole lot of css. Overall I pumped out approx 34 hours of screen time over the span of 10 days. Luckily Jekyll does make life a little easier; the layout formatting method is honestly genius, and using the inbuilt Sass preprocessor it’s easier to keep track of where you put what classes, and with that one’s sanity.

Would I recommend starting a jekyll website from scratch with no theme? No, never.

Would I do it all again? Yes, it was a hell of an experience, but I never learnt so much in so little time. In the words of a colleague:

“Are you masochistic?”

Maybe, maybe…


Future plans

There’s still a lot of features I have partially implemented which need finishing off: categories, subcategory icons, major project pages, gallery layout, tags, etc…

Then there is also all the CSS fine tuning in margins, sizes, colours, and responsiveness tests…

In addition to porting many years worth of projects into posts

But its a start!


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